Moneyball (both book and movie versions) portrays a baseball team’s general manager, Billy Beane (Brad Pitt in the movie), who eschewed conventional wisdom and instead relied on data analytics to build a successful team on
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EEO Compliance
The A, B, C’s of EEOC
You’ve found yourself in an EEOC mediation, with a charge that should not be particularly worrisome. But now, your supposedly neutral mediator is shaking his head and reporting that you can almost certainly expect to…
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Successor Liability For Employment-Related Claims: A Pain In The Assets
There is a myth that buyers are protected from employment liabilities arising under prior ownership if there is a broad disclaimer and if it is an asset purchase. Not so. Sure, the “general rule” is…
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The UNEMPLOYED – A Protected Category Coming To a Jurisdiction Near You
It is now illegal in New York City for employers to discriminate against job applicants based on their employment status. This June 2013 amendment to New York City’s Human Rights Law (“NYCHRL”) — a law…
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HR Life and Law in Hollywood
What all of us do—solve legal problems arising in the workplace—occasionally appears on film. Sometimes accurate; sometimes flawed; and sometimes funny. To collect those Hollywood moments, we sent our college interns (Elizabeth Hernandez, Heidi Savabi, …
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Your Greatest Risk: Retaliation Claims
Let’s start with the statistics. Last year, there were 99,412 EEOC charges filed; 37,836 of them — more than one out of every three — asserted retaliation. Put differently, more charges of retaliation were filed …
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Leaning In or Falling Down? Implicit Sex Discrimination and the Good Employer
So, I just finished Sheryl Sandberg’s book: Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will To Lead. I loved it. As a fellow “career-loving parent”, I felt Sandberg hit the nail on the head in…
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