Are you up for the challenge of dissecting the latest trends and developments in international employment law? Take the quiz here (Survey Monkey Quiz), or amaze your friends and neighbors with the crib
Ute Krudewagen
Global RIFs: A Checklist Approach
Global RIFs require careful planning and implementation.
What can be achieved in a day (or a couple of months if WARN applies) in the US can take months (and yes, sometimes years), once taken global.
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Top 10 Pitfalls in Managing Employment Contracts as You Go Global
The CEO of an emerging growth company called me a while ago, a bit shocked after having seen the employment contracts that had just been issued to a couple of new hires in Hong Kong.
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Employees Working Far Away From The Office: A Jurisdictional Nightmare?
Courtesy of technology, employees can work from home or anywhere else. For organizations that have not issued a flat ban on such work, there is a glitch that no one is talking about. What if…
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